Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
No More Will I Run From You (A Music Video) by Zemer Levav
The words to this song ministered the infinite grace of the Mighty Yahshua to my soul; I pray it does the same for you and more so.
Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Psalms 118 (The Introduction)
Shalom In Yahshua; and welcome once again to this series of studies/teachings. We take our journey to the book of Tehillim (or in English) the book of Psalms. We hope to study in depth the hidden manna contained in the 118th division of this wonderful Book with the purpose that our hearts will be refreshed and our spiritual strength renewed as we eat the Bread of Life that came down from Shamayim (Hebrew for Heaven.) That we may obey His every command. That His wish may be our command. Amein and Amein!
We hope to use our previous post 'Which One' as a guideline in the successive posts.
For this series we will post each teaching with the portion of the Psalm before us (in large bold green font). My comments will be written in large bold blue font.
Without further introductions lets begin this journey together shall we?
O give thanks unto the LORD; for [he is] good: because his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let Israel now say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. (Ps.118:1-4)
From the beginning it has been the greatest joy of all intelligent beings to be in the presence of YHWH with highest praises and esteem in their hearts and upon their lips unto Him. The dark glass is swept aside and the student of Scripture; with their eyes of understanding being enlightened (Eph.1:18), are enabled to see 'the exceeding greatness of His power'(Eph.1:19), as Elohim gives exhibitions and demonstrations of His 'mighty power'(Eph.1:19). The comments furnished here fail to convey the exceeding richness of His lovely presence and the greatness of His power.
Under inspiration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh {Holy Spirit} we capture the sight and sounds of thanksgiving and praise: " When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"(Job.38:6) When we consider the preceding verse we learn that when YHWH founded the foundation and corner stone of the earth (do you comprehend that?)! The Sons of YHWH sang for joy. Lets look at this in detail.
After the Eternal God consults with His only begotten darling Son Yahshua, {for nothing is done without counsel(Pro.20:18;Pro.8:14;Isa.28:29)} they at once assemble the intelligent beings of the universes and declare the grand announcement that a new world is about to be created and a new dominion, power and principality formed.
And now, in the silence of the onlooking universe;The majesty of Glory- YHWH; with the mighty Word of Truth at His right hand; and with the angels the sons of YHWH and all the universe looking on; summons the greatness of His creative power and begins creating this world. The exhibitions of Yahshua's mighty power is of such a great height and depth that all are amazed beyond their capacity to understand all that is transpiring before their very eyes. The only way they can give vent to pent up feelings of awe, reverence, love, and thanksgiving is to sing with all their being; from the deep depths of their being, the wonders and awesomeness of creative power then displayed.
Their hearts are energized and inspired with a deeper love, a deeper commitment, and a deeper loyalty to Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb (though they know Him not {at this point} as the Lamb of YHWH which taketh away the sin of the world that they are seeing being created before them}. O blessed Redeemer! No one.............No one can by searching find out His infinite wisdom.............we bow before You now and forever more! Here we see Yahshua creating a world that He will later die to save!!! Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this!
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.(Rev.4:11)
We will consider, in detail, the text before us (Ps.118:1-4) at the next post (Yah willing).
Until next time.....................
Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.
We hope to use our previous post 'Which One' as a guideline in the successive posts.
For this series we will post each teaching with the portion of the Psalm before us (in large bold green font). My comments will be written in large bold blue font.
Without further introductions lets begin this journey together shall we?
O give thanks unto the LORD; for [he is] good: because his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let Israel now say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy [endureth] for ever. (Ps.118:1-4)
From the beginning it has been the greatest joy of all intelligent beings to be in the presence of YHWH with highest praises and esteem in their hearts and upon their lips unto Him. The dark glass is swept aside and the student of Scripture; with their eyes of understanding being enlightened (Eph.1:18), are enabled to see 'the exceeding greatness of His power'(Eph.1:19), as Elohim gives exhibitions and demonstrations of His 'mighty power'(Eph.1:19). The comments furnished here fail to convey the exceeding richness of His lovely presence and the greatness of His power.
Under inspiration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh {Holy Spirit} we capture the sight and sounds of thanksgiving and praise: " When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"(Job.38:6) When we consider the preceding verse we learn that when YHWH founded the foundation and corner stone of the earth (do you comprehend that?)! The Sons of YHWH sang for joy. Lets look at this in detail.
After the Eternal God consults with His only begotten darling Son Yahshua, {for nothing is done without counsel(Pro.20:18;Pro.8:14;Isa.28:29)} they at once assemble the intelligent beings of the universes and declare the grand announcement that a new world is about to be created and a new dominion, power and principality formed.
And now, in the silence of the onlooking universe;The majesty of Glory- YHWH; with the mighty Word of Truth at His right hand; and with the angels the sons of YHWH and all the universe looking on; summons the greatness of His creative power and begins creating this world. The exhibitions of Yahshua's mighty power is of such a great height and depth that all are amazed beyond their capacity to understand all that is transpiring before their very eyes. The only way they can give vent to pent up feelings of awe, reverence, love, and thanksgiving is to sing with all their being; from the deep depths of their being, the wonders and awesomeness of creative power then displayed.
Their hearts are energized and inspired with a deeper love, a deeper commitment, and a deeper loyalty to Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb (though they know Him not {at this point} as the Lamb of YHWH which taketh away the sin of the world that they are seeing being created before them}. O blessed Redeemer! No one.............No one can by searching find out His infinite wisdom.............we bow before You now and forever more! Here we see Yahshua creating a world that He will later die to save!!! Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this!
Southwest Bermuda |
We will consider, in detail, the text before us (Ps.118:1-4) at the next post (Yah willing).
Until next time.....................
Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Which One
Shalom to all my followers and those who visit this blog. I'd like to have your input on which portion of Scripture you'd like for me to share with you next:
A. Psalms 118 (as scheduled from my previous post)
B. Romans 8- (Which deals with Law vs. Grace)
C. Eph.1:1-14 (Which deals with 'The Mystery of His Will/Predestination)
D. Psalms 22: (Which deals with the Prophecies of Yahshua and His Sufferings and His Triumph over Satan).
For those who wish to remain anonymous that's fine with me. You can just leave a comment and indicate 'Which One' A,B,C,or D.
I'll leave this up for maybe a week and will make the final count afterward and let you all know which one was successful. OK?
Thanks in advance for you cooperation and input in this matter.
Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.
A. Psalms 118 (as scheduled from my previous post)
B. Romans 8- (Which deals with Law vs. Grace)
C. Eph.1:1-14 (Which deals with 'The Mystery of His Will/Predestination)
D. Psalms 22: (Which deals with the Prophecies of Yahshua and His Sufferings and His Triumph over Satan).
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Courtesy of |
I'll leave this up for maybe a week and will make the final count afterward and let you all know which one was successful. OK?
Thanks in advance for you cooperation and input in this matter.
Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A More Excellent Name
Shalom In Yahshua and welcome once again to our study of Yahshua as revealed to us in Hebrews 1:1-4.
A Summary of the previous post entitled 'Yahshua Preeminent In All Things (Pt.2)'.
1. It was YHWH'S joy that Yahshua should possess All attributes of divinity.
Today's Teaching:
We will look at the last verse in this series; of Heb. 1:4
Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. (Heb.1:4)
In our study of this portion of Scripture it is imperative that we study it in connection with the whole counsel of Scripture regarding this subject. This is so that we may; with the help of YHWH'S Ruach (Spirit) and much prayer arrive at the right conclusion. As a matter of fact, any study of the Word of YHWH without proper preparation (much prayer and meditation) will inevitably lead one into a maze of skepticism, fanaticism and every other type of ism.
We need the Ruach to guide us. We need to be meek to receive guidance (Ps.25:9). We need to do YHWH'S will in what we now know to be right before we receive any new teaching (Jhn.7:17). We need to pray for YHWH to make us into new bottles so we can receive the 'new wine' teaching (Lk.5:37) We need to pray for wisdom and understanding and the fear of YHWH (Prov.1:7) If we do these things we shall have an abundant entrance into the deep things of YHWH and we will fulfill His plan for us, if we endure till the end.
The subject at hand, namely; Yahshua and His divine nature we have dealt with in some detail in a previous post click here.
It is not our intent to repeat what has already been stated regarding Yahshua and His supreme divine station; being the fullness of the Godhead bodily and above every name that is named in heaven and earth (Col.2:9; Eph.1:21). We wish to look at the verse in question with a view of presenting a few additional thoughts connected with it (Heb.1:4).
In the text above we learn:
1. That Yahshua 'by inheritance obtained
2. A more excellent Name then they.
We may ask; what is in a Name?
What is it in His name that makes Him much more better than the angels?
As westerners, we think of the naming of a child with greater or lesser thought. Some consult various name collection books/agencies for names which sound good, or a name which is more original, or perhaps a name which has special significance.
In the ancient world, in the time of the children of Israel, and even before, going all the way back to Adam we find great significance in naming of offspring. Throughout the Scriptures there a examples of this.
For example, YHWH named the first man Adam (Gen.5:2).
YHWH also named the last Adam; Yahshua Ha'Mashiach (1Cor.15:45; Lk. 1:26,31) YHWH also named Ishmael (Gen.16:11), Isaac (Gen.17:19), John the Baptist (Lk.1:13). Others where renamed by YHWH Abram to Abraham, Sari to Sara, Jacob to Israel, Paul to Saul.
The significance is as follows:
1. Adam which means red or man is the first of all humanity.
2. Yahshua means "Jehovah is salvation" .
3. Ishameal means 'Elohim will hear'
4. Isaac means 'he laughs'
5. John means 'Jehovah is a gracious giver'
YHWH renames:
6. Abram means "exalted father" was changed to Abraham which means "father of a multitude" or "chief of multitude"
7. Sarai means 'princess' was changed to Sarah meaning "noblewoman".
8. Jacob means "heel holder" or "supplanter" was changed to Israel meaning "He has striven with God" or "He has been saved by God"
9.Paul means 'small or little' was changed to Saul meaning "desired".
From each of the above case studies we see that YHWH named in accordance to His foreknowledge of the individual or His plan for their life.
In renaming we see that YHWH renamed in accordance with their attainment in spiritual things or their conversion.
Therefore we conclude that names; as given by YHWH are significant of the individual life experience or character or indicative of some meaningful event in their life.
In relation to the matter at hand, Heb.1:4 and Yahshua's name meaning and significance; we conclude by stating:
1. That Yahshua's name means Yahovah is salvation. It's significance to us (mankind) is salvation from sin and death (Acts 4:12;Rom.6:23) It's significance to the heavenly principalities, dominions and powers means salvation from the exposure to Satan's sin, mans sin, and finally the memory of sin and death and the sorrow which it has caused.
A Summary of the previous post entitled 'Yahshua Preeminent In All Things (Pt.2)'.
1. It was YHWH'S joy that Yahshua should possess All attributes of divinity.
2. The supreme title of divinity was still Yahshua's when He masked His divinity with humanity.
3. Peace between Elohim and man was made through the blood of Yahshua's cross.
4. We all were formerly alienated
(estranged or shut out from YHWH'S fellowship and intimacy[Strong's
#G526](Eph.2:1-3) and enemies of God by the wicked works of the mind but now have been reconciled.
This reconciliation ( or harmony[Strong's #G604])has come about through
Yahshua bearing the wicked works of the mind with His flesh through
death; thus crucifying our carnal nature in His death, and thereby
opening up the way for us (through the new birth and sanctification) to
be presented unblameable and unreproveable in His sight.(1Th.5:23)
6.With the Plan of Redemption completed Yahshua will be subject unto YHWH.
We will look at the last verse in this series; of Heb. 1:4
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by [his] Son, whom he hath
appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his
person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had
by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on
high; (Heb.1:1-3)
Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. (Heb.1:4)
In our study of this portion of Scripture it is imperative that we study it in connection with the whole counsel of Scripture regarding this subject. This is so that we may; with the help of YHWH'S Ruach (Spirit) and much prayer arrive at the right conclusion. As a matter of fact, any study of the Word of YHWH without proper preparation (much prayer and meditation) will inevitably lead one into a maze of skepticism, fanaticism and every other type of ism.
We need the Ruach to guide us. We need to be meek to receive guidance (Ps.25:9). We need to do YHWH'S will in what we now know to be right before we receive any new teaching (Jhn.7:17). We need to pray for YHWH to make us into new bottles so we can receive the 'new wine' teaching (Lk.5:37) We need to pray for wisdom and understanding and the fear of YHWH (Prov.1:7) If we do these things we shall have an abundant entrance into the deep things of YHWH and we will fulfill His plan for us, if we endure till the end.
The subject at hand, namely; Yahshua and His divine nature we have dealt with in some detail in a previous post click here.
It is not our intent to repeat what has already been stated regarding Yahshua and His supreme divine station; being the fullness of the Godhead bodily and above every name that is named in heaven and earth (Col.2:9; Eph.1:21). We wish to look at the verse in question with a view of presenting a few additional thoughts connected with it (Heb.1:4).
In the text above we learn:
1. That Yahshua 'by inheritance obtained
2. A more excellent Name then they.
We may ask; what is in a Name?
What is it in His name that makes Him much more better than the angels?
As westerners, we think of the naming of a child with greater or lesser thought. Some consult various name collection books/agencies for names which sound good, or a name which is more original, or perhaps a name which has special significance.
In the ancient world, in the time of the children of Israel, and even before, going all the way back to Adam we find great significance in naming of offspring. Throughout the Scriptures there a examples of this.
For example, YHWH named the first man Adam (Gen.5:2).
YHWH also named the last Adam; Yahshua Ha'Mashiach (1Cor.15:45; Lk. 1:26,31) YHWH also named Ishmael (Gen.16:11), Isaac (Gen.17:19), John the Baptist (Lk.1:13). Others where renamed by YHWH Abram to Abraham, Sari to Sara, Jacob to Israel, Paul to Saul.
The significance is as follows:
1. Adam which means red or man is the first of all humanity.
2. Yahshua means "Jehovah is salvation" .
3. Ishameal means 'Elohim will hear'
4. Isaac means 'he laughs'
5. John means 'Jehovah is a gracious giver'
YHWH renames:
6. Abram means "exalted father" was changed to Abraham which means "father of a multitude" or "chief of multitude"
7. Sarai means 'princess' was changed to Sarah meaning "noblewoman".
8. Jacob means "heel holder" or "supplanter" was changed to Israel meaning "He has striven with God" or "He has been saved by God"
9.Paul means 'small or little' was changed to Saul meaning "desired".
From each of the above case studies we see that YHWH named in accordance to His foreknowledge of the individual or His plan for their life.
In renaming we see that YHWH renamed in accordance with their attainment in spiritual things or their conversion.
Therefore we conclude that names; as given by YHWH are significant of the individual life experience or character or indicative of some meaningful event in their life.
In relation to the matter at hand, Heb.1:4 and Yahshua's name meaning and significance; we conclude by stating:
1. That Yahshua's name means Yahovah is salvation. It's significance to us (mankind) is salvation from sin and death (Acts 4:12;Rom.6:23) It's significance to the heavenly principalities, dominions and powers means salvation from the exposure to Satan's sin, mans sin, and finally the memory of sin and death and the sorrow which it has caused.
Yahshua, name above all names
Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord.
Emmanuel, God is with us.
Blessed Redeemer, Living word.
Therefore, being the brightness of His person and the express image of His Fathers person; Yahshua the only being in the Universe who 'by inheritance' [having proceeded from His Fathers bosom] in the dateless ages of eternity, is and forever will be, the fulness of the Godhead bodily, is unique and the only inheritor of the fulness of YHWH.
This completes this series on Hebrews 1:1-4 and we hope you've been challenged to study more of YHWH'S word for yourself to see whether these things are so.
We hope (YHWH'S) desire, to begin our next series in the 118 division of the Psalms. So please look up this Scripture and prepare for our next teaching series.
Until next time.........
Shalom and Ahava in Yahshua.
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