Monday, April 9, 2012

Which One

Shalom to all my followers and those who visit this blog. I'd like to have your input on which portion of Scripture you'd like for me to share with you next:

A. Psalms 118 (as scheduled from my previous post)
B. Romans 8- (Which deals with Law vs. Grace)
C. Eph.1:1-14 (Which deals with 'The Mystery of His Will/Predestination)
D. Psalms 22: (Which deals with the Prophecies of Yahshua and His Sufferings and His Triumph over Satan).

Courtesy of
For those who wish to remain anonymous that's fine with me. You can just leave a comment and indicate 'Which One' A,B,C,or D. 

I'll leave this up for maybe a week and will make the final count afterward and let you all know which one was successful. OK?

Thanks in advance for you cooperation and input in this matter.

Shalom and Ahava In Yahshua.



  1. If the Lord so leads, I would like to read about the Mystery of His will/Predestination.

    Hope all is well!

  2. Shalom Heather and thanks for your visit and comment. I've started in with Ps.118 already; so what I will do is complete that teaching and move on to Eph.1:1-14 Ok?

    Shalom In Yahshua.
